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Tutorial with Yvonne Feng

- meditation, consoling, self-expression, systematic language, relation to the emptiness, meditative space, conceal/hide.

- making own aesthetic language/system. E.g: Alighiero Boetti 

- Improve, meditation, reviewing. E.g: <<Thinking Through Painting : Reflexivity and Agency Beyond the Canvas>>

​(Summarising important key words and think about the aesthetic form/motif/language in artwork help me a lot to figure out my research thesis. E.g: aesthetic value, improvement, meditation, labour...)



Group Critic with Anna Bunting Branch


Digital resource: StopMotion APP

- Artwork plays clear function: Emma Hart's 'Mamma Mia!' installation at Whitechapel--her research into pattern and therapy

- Reflect about COVID 19: John Walter's work on virus and meme

                                            virus as metaphor, how can your marks mutate and inhabit different spaces, both real and digital?

- Relationship to stitched pattern and embroidery: Look at Sadie Plant's Zeros and Ones which talks about early development of internet code and links it to weaving...  She thinks the idea of code is interesting too

(I plan to make some digital work in Unit 3. Think about internet coding and how I recording my previous cellphone painting, I think it will be much more helpful to learning programming skill. E.g: HTML/Java. I am still considering.)


Tutorial with Geraint Evans 

- Research essay: can be compare and contrast about two artists in relation to the topic I am interested in ( Repetition and Labour intensity)   anaylze specifically. E.g: Kusama & Martin  Kusama: mental issue, what role she play in art society, live as patient work as profession, not only her dots, her sculptures, installation, invite audience into work, energy, ...  Martin: absence, settle, empty, shifting, discipline, quite, philosophy ...


- Digital work: artist as tool, median connection sprits.  E.g: artist  hilma af klint

                       Navigating cellphone/digital media  -- in gallery playing with large screen, mappingoverlapping. ( I start to think about how to use different screens with playing video to build a 3 dimension environment, affective space and media. When I think about making artwork base on digital media, especially the screen, the flat surface I always feel the flatness will weaken some sort of expression... So I might try to create dimension in relation the digital flatness. But I haven't decide what kind of dimension I will add/use in my work. ) 

 - Article about abstract painting and the digital by Alex Bacon: 



Seminar: On Paint, Materiality and Meaning

​Simon Callery & Sam Gilliam: idea about physical dimension, physical aspect. 

(​I get very fresh aspect about dimension in their artworks: the physical dimension. Their works not only build up a physical relationship between artwork & viewer but also artwork & exhibition venue. Gilliam's drape painting moving painting from wall to space which reflect the contemporary idea about connection between painting, drawing and sculpture. A new aspect to interact, appreciate painting. The physical relation with viewer also show the natural gravity strength. )


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